Octave parallel
Octave parallel

octave parallel

The sensitivity to parallels in the simple texture of Bach's chorale style means that even similar motion to a fifth or octave can give the impression of parallels. In the example below, A is not allowed, but in B the fifths are not consecutive, and in C they are not moving in parallel (this is the end of one phrase and the beginning of the next): in two chords that are next to each other) You must not write fifths or octaves that are both: What exactly is not allowed? Consecutive parallel consecutive fifths and octaves The 'ban' on parallel fifths and octaves is therefore bound up with other less easily defined aspects of music - learning how to avoid them also guides your writing in the right direction in terms of both harmonic progressions and part-writing in general. Avoiding parallel fifths helps to eliminate this type of voice-leading.

  • Parallel fifths imply an ungainly progression of root position triads with all the voices moving together.
  • In species counterpoint compositional exercises, the shape of the lines and the way they interact are very carefully controlled - parallel fifths and octaves are strictly forbidden.
  • Since at least the 1500s, a large number of composers began their training by learning 'species counterpoint', a method for learning how to write Renaissance polyphony.
  • Theorists as early as 1300 advised against the use of parallel fifths - although composers continued to write them occasionally, by the end of the Renaissance, they were avoided in virtually all types of Western classical music.
  • As music developed, there was an increasing emphasis on writing independent parts - the avoidance of parallel motion (especially fifths and octaves) formed a part of this development.
  • Early sacred vocal music involved a lot of parallel motion between voices, particularly in fifths and octaves.
  • If they are written in parallel attention is drawn to this bareness, even if there are other voices in the texture.

    octave parallel

  • The intervals of a fifth and an octave create a distinctive 'bare' sound.
  • The following factors have probably contributed to the emergence of this 'rule' of tonal composition: There is not necessarily a wholly logical reason why this might be, it is just a feature that has to be accepted and absorbed. In the end, avoiding the sound of parallels is part of the aesthetic of tonal music - they are considered ugly in the same way as, for example, unprepared dissonances. The reasons why Bach (along with virtually all tonal composers) avoids parallel fifths and octaves are not straightforward. Voice-leading in Bach chorales: Parallel fifths and octaves What's the problem with parallels? The feval functions is not parallelism but a way to vectorize a conventional function.Scilab matrix arithmetic and parallel_run are vectorized or parallel depending to the platform, hardware and version of the Scilab.Tom Pankhurst's ChoraleGUIDE - Voice-leading: Parallels OpenMP interface for multithreading/task-parallelism. OpenCL interfaces for GPU/data-parallel computation.

    octave parallel octave parallel

    There is MPI interface for distributed computation (multithreading/parallelism on multiple computers). Given the above description there are lot in the FOSS world for each one of these. Basically like a mom cooking and cleaning and taking care of its kid at the same time but doing only one job at the time :) Concurrent or asynchronous is when you have just one computational unit, but it does multiple jobs at the same time, without blocking the processor unconditionally. There is also task parallelism which mostly refers to ruing a task on multiple threads, each processed by a separate CPU core. Parallel computation, mostly used for GPU computing (data paralleism), is when you run massive amount of arithmetic on big arrays, using GPU computational units. It is the way you write the code not necesarily how it is being handled by the computer. For example map function and list comprehension on Python is vectorised computation. Without going much into the details vectorized programing is a way to avoid ugly for-loops. Something you should consider is the difference between vectorized, parallel, concurrent, asynchronous and multithreaded computing. Specifically for SIMULINK alternatives see this post. To see a list of Free and Open Source alternatives to MATLAB-SIMULINK please check its Alternativeto page or my answer here.

    Octave parallel